At Acuivent, we understand that sales and marketing is the backbone of your business. To help our client achieve set sales target and maintain top notch customer satisfaction and awareness, we evaluate the client’s business environment and sales chains and help our clients develop a sales and marketing strategy which acts as the blue prints to achieving the various targets. We look at aspects of sales and marketing holistically so as to advise and support our clients properly.
How we help our clients
Bringing together objective analysis and broad experience to help clients create and manage great brands.
To help manage this complexity and power growth through digital advantage, we bring together deep data analysis and broad experience to take the uncertainty out of the branding process and help clients create great brands.
Consumer & Shopper Insights
Shopper insights are becoming increasingly important due to rapid changes in retail and the way in which people shop.
When We partner with clients to discover and explore the beliefs, attitudes, and motivations that drive customer behavior through their purchase decision journey. Using proprietary approaches, tools, and techniques grounded in distinctive perspectives regarding consumer meta-trends, macroeconomics, and industry structures, we help clients generate a 360° view of their customers you gather and use them in the right way, shopper insights can help everyone win – shoppers, retailers, and manufacturers. Translating insights about customers into concrete business ideas and profitable growth.
Customer Lifecycle Management
We assist our clients to assess and manage multi-channel customer experience, manage business communications, evaluate personalised interactions to attain the desired results. We help the customer achieve all this while remaining relevant and consistent to the customer, increase response rates and increase customer satisfaction while at the same time reducing costs.
Digital Marketing
We help clients make core transformations in marketing strategy and operations to power growth through digital advantage.
Digital marketing is no longer about merely adding online channels to the media mix; it is about integrating digital into all facets of marketing.
We work with clients primarily in three core areas: Harnessing digital marketing, Optimizing the customer experience and Developing and helping implement new growth models.
Whatever your pricing problem, we know how to fix it. We help clients significantly increase and sustain profitability by building capabilities for superior pricing and margin management.
Small changes in average price can translate into huge changes in operating profit—to the benefit of a company when average price goes up, and to its detriment when average price goes down. We believe that sustained above-market growth comes when granular pricing analytics deliver credible insights with easy-to-use tools to the front lines. While we work with our clients to develop effective pricing strategies and unlock pricing opportunities, the majority of our focus is spent on building the right set of capabilities and management conviction to implement and sustain the gains.
Sales & Channel Management
Sales channels are the true lifeline of any indirect-sales organization, which makes managing them a tricky proposition. How do you ensure you get the revenues you need to continue growing your business, while still presenting a solid value to the sales channels who are also looking to turn a profit?
We help clients make lasting improvements to the effectiveness of their sales investments and interactions with customers across all channels to drive sales growth. Our approach to sales transformations encompasses how and to whom companies sell their products and services, the channels they use, and the back-office operations that support these efforts. Where necessary and appropriate, we also help clients address specific challenges in their go-to-market strategy, sales-force effectiveness, key-account management, and other relevant areas.
To help our clients achieve their desired sales and marketing goals, we implement integrative marketing strategies
Strategy Development
Marketing Audits & Optimization
Market research
Brand Awareness Development
Management & Support Services
Tracking & Reporting